原舍 · 怀谷藏于莫干山的山谷中,7栋几何白房子,如此神秘,连同周边起伏绵延的山峦,撩动着人们的好奇心。Hidden in the valley of moganshan, eight white houses are so mysterious that the rolling hills around them arouse people's curiosity.
Back to the mountains
X-living,是原舍对怀谷项目的一次新尝试与新体验,这里就像一个大的旅居社区,每个房间有自己的主人,他们可能是都市白领、旅行玩家、自由创作者、艺术家等,他们是一群践行自己生活理念的人。设计师试图打破一些传统设计的束缚,对“时间”和“空间”的概念进行了重组与诠释,模糊室内与室外的边界,让自然光在空间里自由创作,让整个建筑一直保持着“永远未完成”的状态,不断探索新的居住模式。X-living is a new attempt and experience of the huaigu project. It's like a large living community. Each room has its own owner. They may be urban white-collar workers, travel players, free creators, artists, etc. they are a group of people who practice their life philosophy. Designers try to break the shackles of some traditional designs, reorganize and interpret the concepts of "time" and "space", blur the boundary between indoor and outdoor, let the natural light create freely in the space, keep the whole building in the state of "never completed", and constantly explore new living mode.

比丨永丨 远丨 多丨 一 丨 天
One more day than forever
初遇怀谷,像闯入另一个时空,它是民宿,也是一座永远进行中的艺术中心。设计师对“时间”的概念进行了重组与诠释,利用光影来感知生活美学,人们参与其中,与怀谷相识。从某种意义上来说,怀谷是一次超现实主义的尝试。When I first met huai gu, I felt like stepping into another time and space. It is a homestay and an art center in progress forever. The designer reorganized and interpreted the concept of "time", using light and shadow to perceive the aesthetics of life, in which people participated and got acquainted with huaigu. In a sense, the valley was a surrealist experiment.
Boundary of freedom
设计师一直在试图模糊室内与室外的边界,打破一些传统设计的束缚。走进怀谷,遇见“光盒”,设计师将原本厚实的墙体打破,在材料的选择上更是充满惊喜,通透的玻璃砖代替了实体砖,光穿过玻璃,进入室内,此刻空间的边界被消除,时间被放慢,连同里与外,都渗透着一种温暖且柔软的滤镜。Designers have been trying to blur the boundaries between interior and exterior, breaking the shackles of some traditional designs. Into the valley of huai, meet a "light box", the designer will be thick wall break originally, on the choice of material is full of surprises, transparent glass brick instead of solid bricks, light through the glass, enter indoor, space boundary is eliminated at the moment, time is slow, together with the inside and outside, is permeated with a warm and soft filter.
通透的墙让光在空间里自由创作,一直保持着“永远未完成”,同怀谷一样,不断探索X-living.The transparent wall allows the light to create freely in the space, keeping "never finished". Just like huai valley, it keeps exploring x-living.
步入室内,厅内的卡座做了下沉处理,底层架空,一条沿着怀谷流淌的水流,高低堆叠,一直流到这里,墙体被取消,水流便获得了自由,整个卡座被水系包围,宛如水中的小岛,清幽且在无限地生长,设计师借助自然赋予了空间生命的力量。Enter indoor, hall of booth did sink processing, the underlying overhead, a water flows along the valley of huai, stack height, have been to here, wall was cancelled, water is free, the booth is surrounded by water, just like the water island, peaceful and grow in the infinitely, designers use nature gives space life force.

旅行最精彩的部分往往就是在幻想的过程。酒吧的设计充满着亮点,深入的阐述了“光晕酒吧”,酒精让人有了更多的幻想,顶上流淌着一条小河,波光粼粼,夜幕下,水流更显得虚幻。对设计师来说,这是一次非常有价值的艺术体验,同时传达出怀谷的新生活方式与热爱艺术的定位。The best part of travel is often the fantasy. The bar design is full of bright spots, in-depth elaboration of the "halo bar", alcohol let a person have more fantasy, top flowing a river, sparkling water, night, the water is more illusory. For the designer, this is a very valuable artistic experience, and at the same time conveys the new lifestyle of huaigu and the positioning of love of art.

在客房空间的设计中,设计师一直在借用光来达到不同程度上的空间交叠关系,把大自然的诗意引入了室内,在此流连忘返,体验、想象最美的莫干山。In the design of guest room space, the designer has been using the light to achieve different degrees of space overlap, the nature of poetry into the interior, here linger, experience, imagine the most beautiful moganshan.

往往质朴而原始的空间更能打动人,故设计师在室内没有做过多的装饰,保持着尊重原始的态度,以自然、裸露的结构还原空间的本质美,亦赋予了空间更多的可能性。Often plain and primitive space can move a person more, reason stylist is indoor did not do too much adornment, maintaining the attitude that respects primitive, restore the essential beauty of the space with natural, bare structure, also gifted a space more possibility.

在落地玻璃窗边放置榻榻米座椅,可以品茶观景,十分惬意。The tatami chair is placed beside the floor-to-ceiling glass window. You can enjoy the scenery with tea. It is very comfortable.

朝夕之间,光影移动,此刻,光与影成为空间的主角,而空间亦成为记录光阴的容器。在怀谷,忘却时间。Day and night, light and shadow move, at the moment, light and shadow become the leading role of the space, and the space also becomes the container that records time. In the wye valley, forget the time.

